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AvtoProfi - Autoglass Replacement Center


«AvtoProfi» – the whole company, which is engaged in the sale and installation of a car warehouse for buses, passenger cars and vantage cars for 10 years.

Zavdannya - create a new landing page for obtaining potential clients.

We are going to break up solutions, as we will be able to adapt to all the nutrition of a potential client and to close the list of auditors, for the launch of an advertising company of the advocacy bureau, the surge of potential clients has been removed.

  • Development landing page
  • Transferring the side to the Russian language
  • Nalashtuvannya / pidtrimka contextual advertising
Design and prototype
View design
View prototype
Responsive version
  • Manager - Julia
  • Prototypist / marketer - Julia
  • Designer - Alex
  • Layout - Nikita
  • Contextual advertising - Andrei
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